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Victoria Parker
Victoria “Tor” Parker is born to Ernest “Kolchote” (the Man of Wealth) Cheeka, Jr. and Marchita “Hiʔna·tiʔqwis” (One Who Sings) Holden, Granddaughter of Joyce Simmonds and Ernest “Kolchote” Cheeka of the Ozette Village. She is qwidiččaʔa·tx̌, People of the Cape, or as is more commonly known, Makah Indian. She is a 2018 graduate of the National Tribal Trial College.
During the last two years, Tor served as part of the on-site NTTC faculty as a moot court participant. Tor’s role as “Shirley” is crucial to assisting the NTTC students litigate protection orders while facing a judge and defendant in a moot court setting. Tor has professional experience in the field of Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault, Homelessness and Homelessness Prevention, including Emergency Shelter Management, Transitional Housing Management and Supportive Housing.